Pros & Cons of Marketing with Animation: 2D vs. 3D

Fig. 1 - 2D animation marketing.

Animation marketing is a type of video marketing that uses various types of animated content to convey ideas and concepts to an audience while also increasing traffic and sales for businesses. When precisely tailored to your target demographic, animation brings the power of imagination and creativity to your marketing strategies and has grown to become an effective marketing tool. Today, animation marketing is a tried, tested, and effective concept, with applications ranging from product advertisements to popup design to teaser trailers and more. The motion and color of animation capture attention, and quickly explain and demonstrate what has yet to be realized.

If you're thinking about using animation in your marketing, you might be overwhelmed by the sheer number of options. Furthermore, with so many different types of animation techniques available, deciding which to use can be difficult. To give you an overview, I have highlighted the pros and cons of two of the most well-known types of animation, 2D, and 3D. This post should help you ascertain which type would suit your marketing requirements better.

2D animation marketing - Pros and Cons

One of the most common styles of animation is 2D vector-based animation, which represents graphics created in a 2-dimensional plane (Fig. 1). Depending on your requirements, 2D animation can be a valuable resource for you and your business, but when not used properly can quickly become redundant. This is why many businesses prefer to outsource 2D animation requirements to expert service providers. Let’s take a look at some of the advantages and disadvantages that 2D animation has to offer.

2D animation Pros

●       Easy to make - With little unnecessary complexity, 2D animation is simple to understand and implement. Furthermore, technological advancements have shortened the development time for 2D content.

●       Cost-effective - Because 2D animations are easier to produce, they are often less expensive, with key cost factors including design detail, animation complexity, video length, voice-over, music, and distribution

●       Flexibility - 2D animation is very adaptable, and you can use it for any style of animation because it is easily adapted to any branding guidelines that you have.

2D animation Cons

●       Less dynamic - 2D animation can be dull, monotonous, and even redundant at times. Furthermore, creating dynamic movements in 2D can be a difficult task.

●       Lower demand - With so many different types of animation available, the demand for 2D animation has significantly decreased. This also limits the reusability of any 2D content you've created.

Fig. 2 - 3D animation marketing.

3D animation marketing - Pros and Cons

The process of creating moving images in a three-dimensional (3D) environment to give the illusion that these digital objects are moving through a 3D space is known as 3D animation (Fig. 2). 3D animation in marketing is not an easy process, and there is no one way to approach it. However, it has numerous significant advantages that are currently underutilized. Here are some of its pros and cons.

3D animation Pros 

●       Highly engaging - Audiences are more likely to watch such content because of the beautiful animation style and detail of 3D. Such visual appeal and engagement can help elevate your marketing videos and drive home your key messaging points to your target audience.

●       Dynamic - You can create a dynamic and realistic-looking overview for the ultimate customer viewing experience thanks to the advanced technology used to create the 3D imagery. You can also imitate the movements of real-life characters to make the animation appear more realistic.

●       Popularity - Because 3D animation is eye-catching, dynamic, and can improve the quality of your marketing materials, it has seen a significant increase in use. Furthermore, they have a longer shelf life and can be updated more easily than live-action options.

●       Endless possibilities - The creative potential of 3D animation is limitless, and if you have the necessary skills and imagination, you can use it to create complex objects and characters that would otherwise be impossible to animate.

3D animation Cons

Quite complex - Making a 3D animation is a complicated process with many moving parts. Before you can see how the final animation will look, you must first design the character, animate it, create textures, and add lighting.

Time and cost-intensive process - The process of creating 3D animation is time-consuming and requires a massive amount of computer power. Furthermore, the process is artistically labor-intensive, necessitating the collaboration of several animators who specialize in various 3D animation styles.


Both 2D and 3D animation have their pros and cons when it comes to marketing. 2D animation is cost-effective, quick to produce, and simple, making it ideal for explainer videos or educational content. However, it can lack depth and dimension and may look outdated compared to newer animation techniques. On the other hand, 3D animation can create realistic visual effects, greater depth, and dimension, and can be unique and memorable, making it ideal for promoting products or services that require a high degree of visual detail. However, it is more expensive and time-consuming to produce, and it can sometimes appear too technical or unapproachable for some audiences. Ultimately, the choice between 2D and 3D animation for marketing will depend on the goals and budget of the business, as well as the preferences and needs of the target audience.

**Article published: April 14, 2023**


Video Caddy provides Professional Video Editing & Post-Production Services that helps businesses create professional-looking videos with ease. It provides an intuitive, user-friendly interface that enables users to quickly and easily create stunning videos from scratch or from existing video content. With its advanced editing tools, users can customize their videos to fit their business needs. Video Caddy also offers a wide range of features such as video and audio editing, sound effects, voiceovers, and 2D and 3D animations to enhance the overall look and feel of the video