submit form
Got a very early stage or initial Fantasy/Animation blog idea? Perhaps a more fully-formed draft ready to go? Then this is the place to submit! Whether it’s a short editorial, creative feature or sequence analysis, a film/TV or book review, or even an event, conference or festival report, we’d love to receive your proposals. Are you an animator with a new release, or an author with a book coming out? Let us know about that too!
and don’t forget…
Please remember to include the type of post you’re submitting, as this will help us to pass it onto the correct member of our Editorial team! Final posts are also encouraged to include any URL links to videos and images, as well as 3-4 keywords that relate to the themes and focus your post, when submitting your post. For guidance on our submission guidelines, please click here or visit the "Style Guide” available as a drop-down on the “Submissions” tab above.
For more general enquiries related to the Fantasy/Animation website, blog and podcast, please visit here.