The Fantasy/Animation podcast continues its involvement with the work of Pixar Animation Studios in this closer look at the computer-animated film Monsters, Inc. (2001) featuring Chris and Alex’s first guest of the new season John Airlie, Associate Lecturer in Film and Media at Birkbeck University in London. Not only has John has taught courses across higher education related to gender and sexuality, but has, in his own words, also toiled in the world of publishing and book distribution. He now works for one of the major U.S. film companies in London, where he specialises in post production (localisation/dubbing) for international markets.
Read MoreChris and Alex return for a brand new season of the Fantasy/Animation podcast, beginning with this special episode on Ratatouille (Brad Bird, 2007), the eighth computer-animated film from Pixar Animation Studies and one of the studio’s cleverest in how it uses the metaphor of food and cookery to discuss ingenuity, artistry, and what it means to value creativity.
Read MoreThe problematic pursuit of happiness is the focus of Episode 107 of the podcast, which looks at the pleasure of the mindscape in Pixar Animation Studios’ computer-animated film Inside Out (Pete Docter, 2015).
Read MoreEpisode 16 heralds the first Fantasy/Animation crossover instalment, with Chris and Alex joined by Michael Glass and José Arroyo, also known as the Eavesdropping at the Movies team. The focus of their discussions is Pixar’s feature film Coco (Lee Unkrich, 2017), a computer-animated fantasy inspired by the Mexican ‘Día de los Muertos’ (Day of the Dead) holiday. Seizing their moment, the foursome touch on issues of cultural specificity, authenticity and appropriation; its expressive use of luminescent lighting to illuminate its styles and details; and the themes of grief, ancestry, history and heritage that support the structures of a film whose two interconnected worlds of life and death are powered by the vitality of memory.
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